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Take control of your online identity!

start with a
Perfect domain

  • Register your domain in just a few minutes
  • Choose from nearly 400 unique TLDs
  • Easily connect to web hosting and email
  • Need help? Just ask, and we’ll assist you!
For beginner

Tips for picking a domain name

  1. Pick a name that describes your product or service – your domain does not have to be the same as your registered business name (but it can be).
  2. Make sure the name is easy to remember and type in. Avoid words that have multiple spellings or common misspellings.
  3. Register sooner, rather than later – it’s not uncommon for competitors to grab domains for business names that don’t have a trademark.

Zone is the largest domain service provider in Estonia

Nearly 50 000 web servers and more than 145 000 domains


Want something special?

.WEBSITE domain registration for first year with special price.

For Expert

Why should I transfer domains to Zone?

Secured with DNSSEC

All new domains with DNSSEC-supported extensions are instantly enabled—free of charge!

Easy management

Manage all your domains from one simple control panel and have a clear overview of their usage.

Professional support

As a registrar for many top level domains we have a dedicated and knowledgable team at your service.

Free parking

Not ready for a website yet? No problem! All domains will display a ‘Moving in’ page until you’re ready.

Free redirect

Already have a great Facebook or LinkedIn page? Point your domain to it, or to any other website on the Internet.

Integrated with hosting

No need to configure DNS—our hosting automation ensures your website and email work seamlessly.

We’re happy to help you move your mailboxes and websites to our servers—free of charge, of course!

Find the perfect domain for you or your business easily. Use our domain search tool below to check which names are available and secure the one that suits you best.

Your domain name is the first step toward building a strong and unique online presence.

Pick and address for your business

Frequently asked questions about Domains

A domain (or domain name) is your address for online visits and correspondence. Typing a domain name into a web browser will direct people to your website. When people e-mail you, everything after the @ sign is the domain.

It is also possible to create focused sub-domains by adding hostnames in front of the domain. For example, while our main domain is, we have our customer success page at

You can register a domain name for a year or a longer period. When your registration period runs out, you can renew the registration.

Any company or individual can register a domain name. Tho some top level domains registries set conditions for registrations – for example .EU domains can only be registered by companies, citizens and residents of the European Union.

Our domain registration form will inform you if any limitations apply.

All the domains are registered for a fixed period of time and therefore domains need to be periodically renewed.

When you keep contact information up to date, there is no need to worry about the sudden expiry of your domain. We will notify you beforehand about the ending of domain registration period.

Domain can be renewed in My Zone via domain management.

Originally, domains only allowed latin characters and hyphens (-). This is no longer the case. Most domains will let you to use language-specific alphabets and accents.

However be aware that in practice these may be displayed in a compatibility format on some platforms. For example, a domain with cyrillic letters like “зоне.ею” will display as “xn--e1adsd.xn--e1a4c” when shared on social media.

Pro tip: when using a domain name with accents for print or radio ads, register an equivalent latin-only domain for e-mail and online sharing.

The most common security issue with domains is accidentally sharing your account password. This can result in malicious parties logging in and transferring your domains to their account.

Activate two-factor authentication for your account to prevent this, and make sure to check your contact details annually.

When registering multiple domains and planning on using Zone web-hosting services, bear in mind that you can redirect them free of charge via alias to virtual server in Zone. It allows accessing the website via multiple domain names and email addresses also work with several domains. Aliases can be also added to the subdomain of a virtual server.

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