Want to relax?
Take Zone!

  • Free migration assistance
  • First year of web-hosting -50%

Order a domain and shared hosting by applying a promo code PUHKAJALGA. Then you need to register Zone user ID and agree with terms. Also you can choose which package suits you best.

Start ordering the Web Hosting here and write “MOVING” in the additional information field. We’ll contact you with specific instructions for the next steps.

Our instructions and migration processes are built for zero downtime.

When migrating e-commerce sites we advise setting them to maintenance mode for the duration of migration to ensure all orders are serviced on one location.

Webmail can be used until e-mail clients (Outlook, Mail, Thunderbird) have been configured to use Zone servers.

Nope. We have moved e-shops with gigabytes of product images, hundreds of mailboxes with tens of gigabytes of archives. There should be no problems if you have chosed suitably sized Shared Hosting package and old server has enough space to pack website contents.

Free migration is offered for new Shared Hosting servers (one domain or website per server, common web applications, mailboxes with IMAP access) taking half and hour of engineer’s work. If your setup is more complex, for example there are multiple applications or special solutions, we’ll agree on pricing the additional work – but our experience let’s us do the migrations faster than it would take you or your web developer.

Presumably you have registered a domain and ordered web and e-mail hosting from somewhere. Additionally, name servers that tell web browsers and e-mail programs names and IP-addresses of your servers are in use.

  1. Domain migration or transfer requires “EPP authorization code”, sometimes also “domain unlocking” from current registrar and specifying “current nameservers” in Zone domain transfer order.
  2. Then Shared Hosting is ordered (still leaving name servers unchanged), Zone name servers are configured to match current name servers and then the domain is delegated (set to use) Zone nameservers.
  3. Website migration means copying files and database from old server to new, changin the IP of web in Zone name servers and ordering new free HTTPS certificate. Information about the change takes about an hour to propagate across internet.
  4. E-mail migration requires creation of mailboxes on new server, chaning mail server (MX) record in name servers to point to Zone servers and when that has propagated copying of mailbox contents from old server to new.

Web migration is usually done with Zone+, e-mail mailboxes are migrated using special server-side application (imapsync).



We ensure impeccable website speed through continual updates and constant monitoring of our platform components.



Our specialists work around the clock to ensure you are safe from data leaks and malicious software.



We make daily backup copies of your website for 14 days. In WordPress, you can continuously take snapshots of your page and use these to reverse changes later.



If you need help creating your website, work with Zone Partners for quick and desired results.



Before publishing a WordPress page, you can easily test it in a separate staging environment. Once you’re done, you can move it to the production environment with a single click.



You can easily extend WordPress by adding useful plug-ins like Smaily, the e-mail marketing provider, or activating e-shop plug-in WooCommerce.



Creating a website with WordPress has never been easier at Zone, thanks to the Zone+ WordPress Assistant, which simplifies complex operations for beginners.



A website created with Zone+ WordPress Assistant gives you complete ownership and control over your content, without being locked into a specific service plan or provider.

Our support is always here to help!

Our customer support team is available to help you via email, phone, or chat. You can also find useful tips in our comprehensive help center.

  • Customer support is available on workdays from 9-17
  • (+372) 688 6886
  • info@zone.ee